
Valorie Lewis

Pluto In Aquarius Brings BIG Changes!! Are You Ready?

Published 4 months ago • 3 min read

Today, Pluto moves back into Aquarius!

Pluto spends roughly 12-15 years in each zodiac sign, sometimes a little longer. Which means it's been almost 225 years since Pluto was last in Aquarius (1778 - 1798). During that era in the 1700's, the French Revolution and the adoption of the Constitution of the United States took place.

Pluto has the longest orbit around our sun and therefore it's energy or influence is felt long-term, an wide-spread. We will all collectively and individually experience this energy.

What is Pluto energy all about?

Pluto is about truth and power — it’s about peeling back the layers to identify who’s really in charge. What’s really at stake. What’s really going on.

Pluto is associated with renewal and rebirth. It represents endings and new beginnings, as well as spiritual growth and rebirth. Negative expression of Pluto is an obsessive desire for power and control and general destructiveness.

The planet Pluto is known to have powers of transformation and change. The energies associated with the planet Pluto are supporting your constant reinvention of self. This energy does not accept defeat, if it faces a failure of any sort, it just picks itself up again and starts fresh. Under the influence of this planet we will constantly be creating and allowing new beginnings in our lives.

Pluto Keywords

  • Transformation
  • Power
  • Death
  • Rebirth
  • Evolution

Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto moves into Aquarius on the very first day of Aquarius season. Aquarius season means our Sun just moved into Aquarius too!

So we now have Pluto conjunct our Sun in the sign of Aquarius.

What does all this mean?

First, Pluto has been in Capricorn the sign of determination, hard work, discipline and responsibility since 2008. That cycle is coming to a close. Think of any themes or situations in your life that may have started around 2008. Do you notice any of those themes or situations coming to a close?

Next, let's take a look at what Pluto in Aquarius means. Aquarius is an air sign. And is associated with humanitarianism, and large-scale societal matters, also associated with rebellion and revolution, along with scientific breakthroughs, medical advancements, and technological achievements.

So when the planet of transformation meets up with the sign of revolution...we can expect some big changes on the horizon. These changes will be for the collective good as we move into a more humanitarian way of expressing ourselves. But that doesn't mean the changes will be smooth sailing. That's kinda up to YOU! Will you allow these changes to move you swiftly towards a more loving way of life, or will you resist the change?

Expect to experience some dismantling of old ways and systems, to make way for the rebirth of new more innovative and aligned ways of life.

Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn briefly from September 1st to November 18th later this year, to tie up any loose ends with that Capricorn energy. Then will station itself in Aquarius for the next 19 years, until March 8, 2043.

Aquarius Season 2024

The energy of 2024's Aquarius season is greatly enhanced by Pluto joining our sun in this sign. This Sun conjunct Pluto transit will dramatically increases your power and ability to influence the outcomes in your life.

Final Thoughts...

Now is a great time to look at your natal chart and see how all of these astrological happenings might affect you on a personal level. But also a time to be aware that we will all be collectively affected.

We will all be shedding and leaving behind an old way of expressing ourselves, we will be digging deeper into self and our experience trying to understand ourselves and the world around us. "Trying to get to the bottom of things" might be a recurring phrase. And we will all be trying to embrace this new energy in ways that might only make sense to ourselves.

So ask yourself "How can I show compassion to others as we all undergo this shift?" "How can I give grace and space to those that need it?" "How can I support this transformation in myself, in others and in society?"

And remember...Source has got your back! You are not alone in this exciting transformation time!

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Valorie Lewis

Goddess With An Attitude | Tarot, Unicorns & Coffee

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